Digital Marketing

Thought Leader Ads: Boost the reach and influence of your brand content

Sabine Danielle Petersen
Senior Communications Advisor

Thought leadership pieces are a staple of any B2B campaign. Now there’s a
way for your content to influence more potential clients, and the power is at
your fingertips.

At digitalPR, we’re big fans of thought leadership campaigns and have successfully
employed this strategy to position our clients as key influencers in their respective

However, a thought leadership campaign doesn’t have to end once an opinion piece is
published in the media. The brand’s own media channels are a perfect vehicle for
expanding the reach of your message, while the topic is still hot and you have momentum.
The trick is finding a relevant audience.

Sadly, as much as we’d like our brand social media accounts to deliver the same reach as
top B2B media, we all know this isn’t the case. Posting your content to LinkedIn will get
some organic attention, but it will be limited.
This is where Thought Leader Ads come in.

Using paid ads to boost thought leadership campaigns.

Thought Leader Ads is a relatively new tool offered by LinkedIn. You might think that
combining PR opinion pieces and paid ads makes for an odd couple, but they’re a perfect

Advertising fails when it’s seen as ‘spammy’ and irrelevant. As consumers, we’ve become
a cynical and highly discerning audience, but when ads provide genuine value and insight,
we respond. This is precisely what a well-crafted thought leadership piece aims to achieve.

Unlike typical ads that promote an image or video with text and a call to action, Thought
Leader ads resemble a regular LinkedIn post and come from your chosen spokesperson,
not a faceless brand.

Crucially, instead of the limited organic reach your company page might receive, we can
deliver this valuable content to a targeted and—crucially—relevant audience. Done
properly, Thought Leader Ads allow your content to influence thousands of potential

Getting maximum ROI from your content

The objective of Thought Leader Ads is to maximize engagement with your brand and your
brand spokesperson rather than push an immediate call to action. Thought Leader Ads
work in tandem with other forms of advertising, building trust and encouraging potential
clients to take positive action.

They’re also a perfect way of squeezing extra value out of previously published content
that may not have received the media attention you hoped for. If the content is good and
still relevant, Thought Leader Ads can give it a new lease of life, maximizing its ROI.
If you’d like to explore how Thought Leader Ads can maximize the reach of your opinion
pieces, build brand trust, and help you gain share-of-voice, we’d love to talk!

How our services work

  • Nordic PR
  • Thought Leadership
  • Digital Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Localization and Translation

Nordic PR

digitalPR is your brand’s gateway to the entire Nordic region. Through the execution of compelling and newsworthy PR and communications campaigns, we have proven success in propelling brands to the top of the news agenda. Our expert team of former, high-profile technology journalists have strong relationships with all the key B2B and consumer media, and specialize in crafting campaigns and thought-leadership stories that will grow your business.

Cases with this service HMD Global Keepit BenQ Acer Denon Bowers & Wilkins NETGEAR PR Palo Alto Networks Tutela Technologies LIFX

Thought Leadership

Within every organization there are star people, whose knowledge and expertise are a cornerstone of your business success. With the right driving force, these people can become powerful advocates for your brand.And in the digital age, expertise and authenticity are major selling points that can drive sales just as much as advertising or other promotional campaigns, but only if done correctly.

Our job at digitalPR is to ensure that your star people are heard in the right media at the right time, and in the right context, so that they can shine a light on your business and its USPs.

Cases with this service Keepit Palo Alto Networks Tutela Technologies NETGEAR PR

Digital Marketing

We offer tailored digital marketing strategies across platforms from Google to TikTok, precisely aligning your goals with your target audience for optimal ROI.

Our expertise in the Nordic region allows us to customize strategies based on each country’s unique digital preferences. This sets us apart from agencies offering “one-size-fits-all” solutions.

Cases with this service Philips Dictation QNAP Systems NETGEAR Social Trust International

Content Marketing

An effective content marketing strategy must be at the heart of any digital marketing initiative. However, in order to generate high-quality traffic and leads, your brand must produce compelling, insightful content that resonates with your target audience. digitalPR is uniquely placed to supply content campaigns that convert, thanks to our expert team of former technology journalists. We will write content that demands to be read, and drive inbound traffic and leads through effective use of lead-nurturing strategies.

Cases with this service Philips Dictation QNAP Systems Acer

Influencer Marketing

In a recent survey of 4000 marketing agencies, brands, and other industry professionals, 91% of respondents believed influencer marketing to be an effective form of marketing. Whether you need a one-off influencer activation or long-term partnerships with relevant, high-profile influencers in your business sector, digitalPR can ensure your brand is promoted by the right influencers, in the right way, and with measurable results.

Cases with this service BenQ EPOS Bowers & Wilkins Denon HMD Global NETGEAR PR

Localization and Translation

As self-confessed language nerds, we are writers, editors and expert translators at heart. We can localize even the most complicated product content, while maintaining technical accuracy and your brand’s unique tone of voice. This ensures that your key communications material can be enjoyed in all the Nordic languages.

Cases with this service BenQ NETGEAR PR HMD Global Acer

We know that telling a great story about your brand or product is the gateway to business success. And who better to create these stories than journalists themselves?