
Thought Leadership

We strive to make your brand and spokespeople the most trusted in the industry.

Morten Sahl Käding
Partner & Senior Communications Advisor

We are an integrated, full-service PR and marketing agency in the Nordics, founded on the principles of authority and integrity. Unlike other agencies, our team includes PR and marketing experts and former technology journalists, giving us a unique blend of skills that elevate our campaigns above expectations. We are committed to using our expertise to drive your success.

Thought Leadership

Within every organization there are star people, whose knowledge and expertise are a cornerstone of your business success. With the right driving force, these people can become powerful advocates for your brand.

And in the digital age, expertise and authenticity are major selling points that can drives sales just as much as advertising or other promotional campaigns, but only if done correctly.

Our job at digitalPR is to ensure that your star people are heard in the right media at the right time, and in the right context, so that they can shine a light on your business and its USPs.

Each thought leadership campaign we develop is uniquely tailored to each client’s strengths as well as their objectives. However, below are some of the cornerstones of any thought leadership program

Subject matter experts

We actively seek out, create and deliver opportunities for your star people to demonstrate their knowledge and expertise within the top media outlets in the Nordics.

Whether it’s content pieces, podcasts or video interviews, we manage the entire process to ensure the desired outcomes.


The modern news landscape is always on, 24/7, which means learning of news opportunities the moment they arise is critical to capitalizing on the interest surrounding a story.

We monitor social channels and news outlets in all four Nordic countries, and use our journalistic expertise to know which stories to capitalize on, and which should be left alone. Then, in collaboration with the client, we advise how to generate relevant coverage that ensures their brand becomes a part of the conversation.

Bylined articles and pitching

Our team of former journalists are expert at creating relevant content for each of the four Nordic countries.

We can either research and write content from scratch, or localize existing content, adding a journalistic twist to ensure its in-market relevancy, With respect to bylined articles, we know from experience that the Nordic media prefers spokespeople from the local country, but digitalPR has been successful in pitching bylined articles from global spokespeople too – a feat almost unheard of in Nordic media!

All services for Thought Leadership

Cases with these services

Subject matter experts

We actively seek out, create and deliver opportunities for your star people to demonstrate their knowledge and expertise within the top media outlets in the Nordics.


We monitor social channels and news outlets in all four Nordic countries, and use our journalistic expertise to know which stories to capitalize on, and which should be left alone.

Bylined articles and pitching

Our team of former journalists are expert at creating relevant content for each of the four Nordic countries.

Tracking industry trends

We are nerds at heart, and strive to learn as much as possible about our clients’ industries, markets, products, and solutions.

Media training

Our team of media professionals can teach you exactly what to expect, from camera training, key message training and presentation technique, and more. We are also able to offer media training in the area of crisis communications, so that you are fully prepared, and can keep a cool head, should disaster strike.

All services

Marketing and PR services with a unique journalistic-edge that delivers proven business success

Our blended team of experienced marketing and PR professionals, and former top-tier journalists, know what makes a great story. And we know how to use that story as a springboard to grow your sales and help your businesses thrive and become famous.

As an integrated, full-service marketing and PR agency, this unique mix of skills and expertise gives us the tools and levers needed to elevate your brand to the next level in the Nordics.

Kenneth Nygaard Knudsen
Founder & CEO
We know that telling a great story about your brand or product is the gateway to business success. And who better to create these stories than journalists themselves? In a nutshell, that’s what makes digitalPR unique.
  • Thought Leadership
  • Subject matter experts

  • Newsjacking

  • Bylined articles and pitching

  • Tracking industry trends

  • Media training

  • Nordic PR
  • Pan-Nordic approach

  • Strategy and messaging

  • PR campaigns

  • Product and promo reviews

  • Media training

  • Campaign measurement

  • Localization

  • Event management

  • Crisis communications

  • Digital Marketing
  • Digital strategy – connecting the dots

  • SEO

  • Google Ads and Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

  • Automation

  • Brand activation

  • Paid media

  • Paid social

  • Organic social

  • Community management

  • Pan-Nordic activities

  • Content Marketing
  • Content marketing funnel

  • Audience-targeted content

  • Lead generation campaigns

  • Organic and paid distribution

We know that telling a great story about your brand or product is the gateway to business success. And who better to create these stories than journalists themselves?